Books This section of interfaith books is a collection of products that speak to a variety of faiths. Many of these multifaith products are not readily available in your local stores. Each has been carefully chosen for its educational value in supporting your work across various religions.
Some of these interfaith books provide healing inspiration while others offer ideas on ways of engaging grassroots community building. Each speaks directly to the heart of holding all faiths as unique and special. It is through respect that a deeper understanding will arise as we explore interfaith books! Another line of text for spacing... In addition to the two Interfaith prayer books offered below, Interfaith Marketplace is also pleased to partner with iPub Global Connections / iPubCloud in promoting a place to encourage dialogue and discussion on important issues facing today’s global community. iPubCloud's featured author is Dr. Leonard J. Swidler, Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Swidler began teaching at Temple in 1966, and in 1978, he founded the Dialogue Institute, which provides resources and creates networks for intra- and interreligious scholarship and action that value difference and foster human dignity. Here are a few titles we recommend you peruse... Movement for a Global Ethic: An Interreligious Dialogue (Kindle / Paperback) What is Buddhism (Letters to Will Series) (Kindle / Paperback) Does Life Have Meaning? (Letters to Will Series) (Kindle / Paperback) Jesus Was a Feminist and Much Much More (Paperback) Jesus was a Rabbi - So? (Kindle) Interfaith Marketplace resources below...